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Trout Lake Community Centre Association is super pleased to announce the opening of the 2023 Graduation Awards application period.

Local high school students form an amazing part of the Trout Lake community and this is one way for us to support and encourage teens to keep up the great work! Volunteerism and community participation are valuable skills that boost young people’s wellbeing and strengthen the whole community.

What are the awards?

Interested teens can apply for three awards:

Academic and Community Involvement Scholarship

This award is a $500 scholarship paid to your post-secondary learning institution.

Athleticism and Community Involvement Scholarship

This award is a $500 scholarship paid to your post-secondary learning institution.

Community Leadership Bursary

This award is a $750 bursary paid to the recipient.

Qualifications and instructions

An award committee will review applications and score them based on particular criteria for each.  Applicants should download this Instructions & Application Form document.

Still have questions? Get in touch with Trout Lake’s Youth Worker Bernie Dionne at 604-257-6955.

Application period

  • February 1 to to April 28 (11:59 p.m.).

Winners announced

  • May 30