Trout Lake Community Centre Where community gathers to enjoy a creative and responsive range of recreational, cultural and social activities. Tue, 08 Oct 2024 20:32:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Call to action: Help save the Vancouver Park Board Fri, 15 Mar 2024 21:01:06 +0000 The Association Presidents Group, representing 17 Community Centre Associations across the City of Vancouver, is requesting your support in rejecting Mayor Ken Sim’s attempt to abolish the democratically elected Vancouver Park Board.

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You may be aware that in December 2023 the Vancouver City Council passed a resolution to eliminate the roles of seven elected Vancouver Park Board Commissioners, and to ask the provincial government to pass legislation to transfer the Park Board responsibilities to a City department under the direct control of City Council.

The elected Park Board has existed for more than 130 years. The Commissioners are elected by the citizens of Vancouver every four years during the municipal elections (last held in October 2022). Because they are elected, they are responsible to, and accountable to the citizens of Vancouver, not the Mayor and 10 City Councillors. 

The sole mandate of the Commissioners is the preservation, protection and development of parks and recreation programs and facilities in our City. They prioritize this important work because they are elected to do so.

City Councillors, on the other hand, are elected with a much broader mandate, to deal with all the issues around city infrastructure; sewer, water and garbage services; police and fire departments; housing and development issues; the drug crisis, homelessness, etc. Parks and recreation are not their first priority. 

Your Community Centre Association works with the Park Board staff and Commissioners to develop and run community-based programming. Issues and needs arise where we work with the elected Commissioners who have the decision-making authority to deal with our concerns. We have, over the years, developed a working relationship with the Commissioners. We don’t want that to change. 

The Association Presidents Group (APG), representing 19 Community Centre Associations across the City of Vancouver, is requesting your support in rejecting Mayor Ken Sim’s attempt to abolish the democratically elected Vancouver Park Board.

We do not believe it is democratic for eight people on City Council to eliminate the roles of seven Commissioners elected by the thousands of voters in Vancouver.

Mayor Sim did not ask the voters in October 2022 for a mandate to do so: in fact, he said he would retain the elected Park Board. 

The APG has taken a strong stand against the Mayor’s decision. We have written to the Mayor and Councillors expressing our opposition. We have also written to the Provincial MLAs representing Vancouver asking them to oppose this change. We need their support because the provincial legislation governing the City of Vancouver (called the Vancouver Charter) must be amended to make such a change possible. 

Read this article on the Vancouver Sun for further explanation of why the APG believes this is an undemocratic approach by the Mayor.

We are asking for your support in making your opposition known to Premier David Eby.

You can use the links below to send a message directly to the Premier, to write to all Vancouver MLAs, and to the Minister of Municipal Affairs who is responsible for making changes to the Vancouver Charter. 

We hope we can count on your support to retain our elected Park Board.

Send a message directly to the Premier

Links for writing MLAs

Vancouver Fairview
Hon. George Heyman (NDP)
[email protected]

Vancouver False Creek
Hon. Brenda Bailey (NDP)
[email protected]

Vancouver Fraserview
George Chow (NDP)
[email protected]

Vancouver Hastings
Hon. Niki Sharma, K.C.(NDP)
[email protected]

Vancouver Kensington
Mable Elmore (NDP)
[email protected]

Vancouver Kingsway
Hon. Adrian Dix (NDP)
[email protected]

Vancouver Langara
Michael Lee (BC  United)
[email protected]

Vancouver Mount Pleasant
Joan Phillip (NDP) 
[email protected]

Vancouver Point Grey
Hon. David Eby,  K.C. (NDP)
[email protected]

Vancouver Quilchena
Kevin Falcon (BC  United)
[email protected]

Vancouver West End 
Spencer Chandra  Herbert (NDP)
[email protected]

Minister of  Municipal  Affairs

Anne Kang 
[email protected]

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5 Tips to Inspire Healthy New Year’s Resolutions Fri, 22 Dec 2023 01:44:17 +0000 Not everybody is a fan of New Year's resolutions. But we hope everyone can find inspiration in these 5 simple guidelines that would take minimal effort and get you feeling happier, healthier, and more energetic.

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Not everyone is a fan of New Year’s resolutions. But we hope to inspire you with these 5 tips that would take minimal effort and make a major positive impact on your life.

If you desire a healthier lifestyle that gets you feeling happier, healthier and more energetic, here are some simple ways to make major changes this year!  

1.   Eat (more) whole foods

One of the most sustainable changes to implement and create a healthier you in 2024 is by eating more whole foods such as: vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, whole grains and fish. These foods contain an enormous amount of nutrients that  your body needs.

Whole foods will also help you feel energised for longer periods of time. Whole foods can help reduce heart disease, body weight, blood sugar levels and decrease the risk of disease.

2.    Cut back on sweetened beverages

If you love your sweet drinks, especially ones with carbonation, consider pops with alternative sweeteners such as stevia, or monk fruit. 

Start weaning yourself off the sugar by switching it out for flavoured water with carbonation!  Sugary drinks have been linked to an increased risk of obesity, fatty liver, heart disease and insulin resistance and cavities. 

Dropping the sweet drinks is an easy way to cut calories if you have a weight loss goal this year!

3.   Get up and get moving! 

Whether you have a career that keeps you behind a desk all day or struggle to get motivated, sitting too much has a negative impact on your body and overall health.  Having a resolution to sit less this year can be easily attained by implementing a 15-minute walk on your lunch break or getting up for a 5-minute walk and stretching every hour.

Perhaps your job is close enough that you could walk or ride a bike to work. Over time you’ll start to notice and feel the positive effects moving has on your joints and muscles, your stamina, your mental state as well as your digestion! 

Consider taking a 15-minute walk after dinner by yourself or with your family. 

4.   Spend less time on the screen and more time outside!

Do you spend too much time in front of a screen? Put down the screen and get outside. Studies are showing a correlation between increased screen use/social media engagement and rates of depression and anxiety.

If you feel affected in this way, take some time away, leave your phone behind and head outside for a walk to get some fresh air and vitamin D. After only 10 minutes of being outdoors in nature our blood pressure begins to lower, and mood and focus improves.

Forget about the world for a moment and be present with self and nature. Bring your family along for some quality time being present with one another. 

5.   Drink more water!

It’s a well known that human beings are made up of 50 to 70% water. We also know that we should be drinking 2.7 to 3.7 litres of water a day. Yet, many of us aren’t.

Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day will increase your energy levels, brain function and physical performance. It may also help treat and prevent headaches, as well as relieving constipation and kidney stones.

Give it a try by waking up and drinking 4 oz. of water right away, then another 4 oz. while making breakfast, 4 oz. while eating and 4 oz. when you’re done. Before you start work you’ve already finished two glasses!

If you were to incorporate a similar routine at lunch and dinner that would guarantee 6 out of the 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Do this consistently and you will notice your body performing better. 

One step at a time

When you think about creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself, take it one step at a time. Start by implementing one small change and in being consistent, create the momentum to reach your goals. 

You’ve got this!

Happy 2024!

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How to Plan a ‘Green’ Birthday Party Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:35:47 +0000 Did you know that plastic never fully disappears? This means that the plastic tableware and decorations at your party will still exist when your child is a grown adult.So, what are some easy ways to plan a plastic-free party?

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Did you know that plastic never fully disappears? This means that the plastic tableware and decorations at your party will still exist when your child is a grown adult.

When I started thinking of plastic in those terms, it made me far more conscious of every piece that we use. Not only do we want to leave our planet in a better place for our children but planning a plastic-free ‘green’ party also sets a good example of what it means to be a good steward.

So, what are some easy ways to plan a plastic-free party?

Reusable tableware

Clark Park Party Box is a neighborhood initiative where you can borrow reusable plates, cutlery and cups for FREE! It’s very easy to use (and easily replicable if you want to start one for your own block):

  1. Book your box at:
  2. Pick up near Woodland and 10th near East Van
  3. Host an awesome event without single-use dishes!
  4. Wash the dishes in the dishwasher
  5. Return the box

Local Buy Nothing Groups

The Buy Nothing Project has spurred a movement of groups of like-minded neighbours who offer each other a way to give and receive, share, lend, and express gratitude.

Post anything you’d like to give away, lend or share in a Buy Nothing community group. Ask for anything you’d like to receive for free or borrow.

The Cedar Cottage/Trout Lake Buy Nothing, like many local Buy Nothings, is a closed Facebook group so you’ll need a Facebook account to join.

It may take a little practice to figure it out at first (be sure to read the group’s guidelines) but once you do, it’s a great way to share.  How better to pass on items that you are done with and also acquire new items than hyperlocally?

For example, I put a ISO (In Search Of) post in the group for party decor. Neighbours post what they have available to keep or borrow and I coordinate with them directly for pick up/ drop off. In response, a neighbour gave us an entire unicorn-themed party box, which I then passed on through the Buy Nothing Group after our party.

Nix the goody bags

Parents everywhere should vow to stop filling little plastic bags with dollar store toys that break within days.

This is not to say you can’t send guests home with a small token. Use paper bags or a reusable bag/lunch container if you are going to have goody bags or consider a small paperback book or gift certificate for a treat at a local store.

Make recycling easy

A true zero waste party would mean no garbage — everything would be recycled. Perhaps “low waste” would be more easily attainable target than zero (at first, anyway; it becomes easier with practice!).

I recently hosted an outdoor birthday party where snacks were in individual packages. I left out four clearly labeled bins: cans, plastic, green bin and garbage.

To my surprise, guests were happy to sort their waste and, at the end of the party, the garbage bag was the smallest of all bins. It made me realize that if you make it easy for people to recycle they are more than happy to do it.

For even more fun, encourage and engage kids to do the sorting — make it a game to earn a prize!

Sadly, flexible plastic packaging like chip bags are not accepted in our home recycling bins. However, you can bring it to a local recycling depot (click to find yours) or to retail stores that accept it.

For example, London Drugs collects all sorts of recyclable items at the front of their stores. The closest recycling centre to Trout Lake is Vancouver Zero Waste Centre: 8588 Yukon Street. 

If you want to take it even a step further, encourage guests to bring their own cup/bottle. Starting party guests with this habit young will get them used to always bringing their own reusables to events.

At the end of the day, children don’t need much to have a good time!I realized that some of the fancy details that parents stress about (like mismatched plates) often don’t matter to a child. As long as there is cake, kids seem to be happy!

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Graduation awards application period open! Wed, 01 Feb 2023 02:45:07 +0000 Trout Lake Community Centre Association is super pleased to announce the opening of the 2023 Graduation Awards application period.

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Trout Lake Community Centre Association is super pleased to announce the opening of the 2023 Graduation Awards application period.

Local high school students form an amazing part of the Trout Lake community and this is one way for us to support and encourage teens to keep up the great work! Volunteerism and community participation are valuable skills that boost young people’s wellbeing and strengthen the whole community.

What are the awards?

Interested teens can apply for three awards:

Academic and Community Involvement Scholarship

This award is a $500 scholarship paid to your post-secondary learning institution.

Athleticism and Community Involvement Scholarship

This award is a $500 scholarship paid to your post-secondary learning institution.

Community Leadership Bursary

This award is a $750 bursary paid to the recipient.

Qualifications and instructions

An award committee will review applications and score them based on particular criteria for each.  Applicants should download this Instructions & Application Form document.

Still have questions? Get in touch with Trout Lake’s Youth Worker Bernie Dionne at 604-257-6955.

Application period

  • February 1 to to April 28 (11:59 p.m.).

Winners announced

  • May 30

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Why wait? Have a (little bit) greener holiday season Tue, 20 Dec 2022 20:44:14 +0000 Trout Lake Community Centre's Green Committee brings you some tips on lightening the ecological impact of the holiday season.

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Yes… We are a little late in bringing you these tips from the Trout Lake Community Centre Green Committee. BUT we really hope you will read on anyway and incorporate whatever you still can. Every bit counts in our waste-filled world!

And next year, to prepare earlier, you can start anytime by surfing through online search terms like “sustainable, eco-friendly, green, Holiday Season”. It won’t be hard to find tons of creative, often inexpensive ideas shared by members from the worldwide waste reduction community.

In the meantime, here are a few quick “How to have a Greener Holiday Season” tips for those still prepping:

1 – Shop locally

Reduces the carbon emitted by shipping AND helps keep your town/neighbourhood more economically resilient.

2 – Choose greener gift ideas

  • Experiences, outings, classes, performances
  • Your time — to visit, look after pets or children, prep a meal, walk
  • Re-gifting
  • Lovingly handmade anything!

DID YOU KNOW?  Shiny, foil, or glittery paper cannot be recycled!

3 – Use more sustainable gift wrapping

  • Reusable fabric or paper gift bags
  • Kids artwork on newsprint
  • Pages from magazines, comics and such
  • Fabric that can then go back into the ‘stash’ for re-use
  • Recycled and/or gently used paper

4 – Trees

  • Investigate live potted trees
  • Be sure a cut real tree is collected for mulching
  • Aim for a ten+ year relationship if you favour an artificial tree

DID YOU KNOW? Real trees win the ‘smaller impact’ crown in the real VS artificial sustainability comparison!

Want further details about the impact of Christmas trees?

Below is a comparison previously shared on a blog by Iona Bonamis, one of Trout Lake Community Centre Association’s Board members who, surprise-surprise, sits on Trout Lake’s Green Committee! (Interested in joining one of our Committees? Get details here.)

Quick breakdown of the artificial vs. real tree issue

By Iona Bonamis

Artificial trees

  • Are typically made abroad (e.g., in China, Taiwan, and South Korea) where there are fewer environmental and labour protection regulations
  • Are made of petroleum products (PVC) that are toxic
  • Can’t be recycled
  • Use up resources in both the manufacturing and shipping processes

Real trees

  • Are grown locally
  • Can provide a natural habitat for wildlife
  • During their growth, sequester carbon dioxide
  • Can be mulched — many cities in Metro Vancouver such as Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley and Surrey will pick up your tree and mulch it for free — and eventually composted after the holiday season

If you have ample natural light within your home, you can even opt for a live potted tree!

Some good options include:

  • Norfolk pine, which need to be kept indoors year-round
  • Fir
  • Spruce
  • Pine
  • Cedar, which can be planted outside after the holiday season

If you buy a small tree in a large pot, you may be able to reuse the tree for 2- 3 years without having to plant or repot the tree. If and when you do you need to replant, transferring the tree into a larger pot will help you get a few more years out of the tree.

If you aren’t able to take care of a potted tree for the rest of the year, you can also opt to rent a holiday tree. Evergrow Christmas Trees, for example, offers potted trees you can rent, and they even deliver to your home!

So, I hope I’ve answered your questions about which is better. The obvious choice here is real trees.  

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Trout Lake Community Centre and Preschool open on September 19 Fri, 16 Sep 2022 02:10:30 +0000 Trout Lake Community Centre and Preschool are OPEN on Monday, September 19th and programs will run as scheduled.

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While understanding that many people will wish to reflect and observe the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Trout Lake Community Centre and Preschool will remain open on September 19, 2022. 

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Fall 2022 registration Wed, 27 Jul 2022 00:39:50 +0000 Well doesn't time fly?! Registration for Fall 2022 programs starts August 18. Most classes start September 6.

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Well doesn’t time fly?! Registration for Fall 2022 programs starts August 18. Most classes start September 6.

Check out the Fall Program Guide to see what tickles your fancy and then pop on over to start wishlisting at

Want info about our policies or registration procedures? Some can be found in the brochure but you can also head over to our registration page for full details & tips.

Come and be active and social at your community hub!

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Request for proposals launched for operating the café @ Trout Lake Thu, 14 Jul 2022 20:27:17 +0000 The Trout Lake Community Centre Association is seeking proposals from businesses interested in operating the café inside the Trout Lake Community Centre complex.

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Calling food entrepreneurs: Pitch us a plan for operating the centre’s café!

The Trout Lake Community Centre Association is seeking proposals from innovative entrepreneurs with the drive and skill to give our community a wonderful café via a licensing agreement for a very affordable monthly rent.

Hurry, download the Request for Proposals today.

Submissions are due by July 29, 2022!


Should be addressed to:

The Trout Lake Community Centre Association’s Café Committee
c/o Carol Smith

Email: carol.smith @

Phone: (604) 257-6973

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Classes restarting and Fitness Centre reopening Fri, 21 Jan 2022 12:31:15 +0000 As more details on the Public Health Order have emerged, here’s a brief overview of which Trout Lake programs/services (and for what age ranges) require proof of COVID-19 vaccination + photo ID.

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As per this week’s announcement, the adjusted Public Health Order allows Trout Lake to bring back all community centre programs that were suspended and to reopen the fitness centre as of January 24th.

However, some restrictions are part of this updated health order, which is in effect until February 16. Please find the details below.

Association programs

Classes will be smaller, depending on the size of the room, to allow for physical distancing with up to 25 participants maximum. Registered participants are being contacted by the programming team via email. Some notes:

  • If patrons are not comfortable about returning to their registered class, they may request a refund (which will be less a $5 fee for credit card payments).
  • Instructors and participants can remove their mask while in the field of play.
  • Registration is preferred, however we will allow drop-ins if classes are not full.
  • No special events
  • No birthday parties
  • No party type rentals (but sport, religious or board meetings are allowed)

Fitness Centre

The Fitness centre will re-open on Monday, Jan 24th for one hour pre-registered timed entry. It will most likely be opening for regular hours, but this may depend on staffing. Please note the following details.

  • 80% of spots will be registered and 20% will be drop-ins with a maximum of 25 participants total
  • Registration for time slots opens 3 days prior through ActiveNet
  • No drop-ins will be allowed before 9 a.m.; all 25 early morning spots will be registered only
  • Indoor cycling remains paused
  • Trout Lake will be a designated personal training centre along with Dunbar and Creekside
  • For registered patrons, flow of traffic and check ins will take place upstairs via the upstairs door of the Fitness Centre
  • Drop-ins will be processed at the front desk; a receipt will be provided and a fitness attendant will verify upon your arrival at the upstairs door of the Fitness Centre

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Impact of December 21 Public Health Order Wed, 22 Dec 2021 22:11:00 +0000 Following yesterday’s public health announcement, here are the implications for Trout Lake’s facilities and programs.

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Following yesterday’s public health announcement, here are the implications for Trout Lake’s facilities and programs.

Fitness Centre closure

The Trout Lake Fitness Centre and sauna are closed as of 11:59 p.m. on December 22, 2021 to January 18, 2022.

  • You can inquire at our front desk about suspending your Flexi-pass.

The rationale of the order for sauna & steam rooms are:

  • Public health guidelines include ensuring good ventilation and these spaces are low ventilation areas.
  • Within these spaces, due to humidly and high heat, masks are not worn.
  • The Vancouver Coastal Health region currently has a current transmission factor of over 2 (highly contagious).
  • Pools are chlorinated environments (hot tub included) while saunas and steam rooms are not.

Programming and rentals

The following impact for Trout Lake Community Centre programs and facility rentals are in effect from tomorrow December 23, 2021 to January 18, 2022.

  • All community centre programs will CONTINUE as usual at this time.
  • Sport and religious based room rentals ARE allowed.


  • SOCIAL RENTALS are CANCELLED until January 18, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and staff will be reaching out as soon as possible to inform patrons and process the refunds.
  • SPECIAL EVENTS are CANCELLED until January 18, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.

Ice rink

  • All programs and public skates will continue as normal.


  • From December 23, 2021 to January 18, 2022 tournaments are NOT allowed.

Extreme weather response

For the period of December 24, 2021 to January 1, 2022, extreme weather response will not be impacted by the health order. The risk of injury and death from cold weather take priority over COVID precautions, therefore there are no capacity limits in our lobbies.

This also extends to pets but owners must make sure pets are well behaved, under control (leashed) and not making a mess, but if they do, owners MUST clean up after their pets.

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