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The Trout Lake team are excited that the Community Centre doors were opened again this week as part of a phased restart plan!

For the moment, the focus is on priority services. Priority services include programs for children, youth, and senior user groups.

Registration opened September 9th for several programs and a gradual rollout of others will follow over the coming weeks.

This rollout strategy helps our operations team adjust and adapt new processes and safety measures.

Find more program & registration details below. Please also read on for important info about what we’re doing to help us all stay safe while playing, creating, and learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Will there be a Recreation Guide for Fall 2020 classes?
A Recreation Guide will not be produced for Fall classes. Please visit recreation.vancouver.ca and filter for Trout Lake Community Centre classes for a list of classes.

2.  Why don’t I see my usual class on the list?
The reopening focuses on priority programming for children, youth and seniors. The staff have worked with their instructors to see if their classes can adapt to changes such as maximum class sizes, time of class, different rooms, and necessary equipment. As we work through new procedures, staff will review adding more classes.

3.  When and where can I register for classes?
Registration began September 9 and can be done online over the phone or at Trout Lake Community Centre. Read more on our Programs and Registration page. NOTE: We encourage debit and credit card payments for any in-person transactions.

4.  Can I still drop-in to classes?
Many classes will not have a drop-in option available due to the reduced number of spaces in class. Details on how to drop-in will be listed in the course description, if it is an available option.

5.  What changes can I expect when I arrive at the Community Centre?
You will see notable changes at Trout Lake Community Centre. We have implemented new policies and procedures to ensure patrons are able to practice physical distancing.

  • Each patron must self-assess their health prior to EACH visit to TLCC. If you are feeling or showing any symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, runny nose, etc), do not enter the building.
  • Be cognizant of new signage including new flow of traffic, social distancing reminders, new maximum capacities for classroom and washrooms, and exits.
  • Entrance for participants registered in Community Centre programs will be through the main entrance of the facility. Registered fitness centre users will enter through the top floor, off 19th Avenue.
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Check-in to your class no earlier than 5 minutes prior to start time. Be ready to begin, as access to washrooms may be limited.
  • Limited shared equipment – please bring your own equipment to use during the class (mat, weight, bands, towel).

6.  Do I need to wear a mask?
Although masks are not mandatory in the Community Centre, we recommend wearing them while inside the Community Centre as much as possible. This includes hallways and areas where social distancing may not be possible.

7.  Is your Fitness Centre open?
At this time, the Fitness Centre’s reopening date is September 14th. There will be information to come on the vancouver.ca website. Please note that the steam room will not re-open during this phase of Centre reactivation.

8.  Is your Ice Rink open?
Please visit the City’s website to find updates about rink openings.

Important health guidelines

With guidance from the Ministry of Health, Trout Lake will be adhering to the current general guidelines and public health principles regarding COVID-19. These will include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Requiring staff and patrons to stay at home when sick.
  • Encouraging physical distancing and minimizing physical contact by including a combination of markers, signage, and modified activities.
  • Practicing hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and frequent cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Ensuring traffic flow does not use the same exit and entry points
  • Centre hours and days of operation will be reduced and only registered participants may come into the Centre. Classes will be by registration only, drop-ins will be restricted to the Fall to allow us to ensure all safety measures are being adhered to with the initial opening.
  • Check-ins for registered participants at 2 entrance checkpoints will be completed 5 minutes before class starts.

General safety practices

  • Registration and payment is required for most programs to help so that we can reduce capacity and allow for physical distancing. Limited drop-ins will be permitted.
  • Please arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to your program time. Patrons may be required to line up prior to entering the facility.
  • Follow physical distancing practice and maintain minimum 2 metres between yourself and others at all times.
  • Bring your own pre-filled water bottle and dress accordingly. Not all fountains and changing rooms will be available.
  • The building will not be open for general socializing/congregating. You will be asked to leave the building once your program has ended.
  • Anyone not following safety guidelines or directions from staff will be asked to leave. Please respect and follow directions of staff at all times.

COVID-19 safety policy

  • All participants, instructors and staff who have symptoms of COVID-19 AND/OR have traveled outside Canada in the last 14 days AND/OR were identified by Public Health as a close contact of a confirmed case must stay home and self-isolate.
  • Participants who are ill will not be permitted to attend programs.
  • Daily checks for respiratory illness at sign-in will be performed by asking participants to confirm that they do not have symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other respiratory disease.
  • Participants must assess themselves daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before registering or attending programs.
  • If a participant, instructor or staff member is unsure whether they should self-isolate, they will be directed to use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool, contact 8-1-1 or the local public health unit. They will further be encouraged to contact a family physician or nurse practitioner to be assessed for COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases.

Enhanced cleaning measures

Enhanced cleaning measures at the Centre include but are not limited to:

  • Reducing the amount of people who can visit at one time
  • Setting up one-way travel around facilities and where it is not possible, two-way travel will be in place
  • Clearing and cleaning programmed spaces in between programs
  • Facility will be sanitized at least twice per day at all high frequency touch points in addition to any regularly scheduled overnight sanitizing/cleaning
  • Site Safety Plans available at reception desk