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By order of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), proof of a COVID-19 vaccination will soon be required to access certain programs, events, and services in BC. Starting Monday, September 13, 2021, Trout Lake patrons should expect to show us that they are vaccinated as we learn more from Provincial authorities.


Proof of vaccination must be one of the following:

  • A BC immunization record (accepted only until September 26, 2021)
  • The BC Vaccine Card (save it to your phone, print it, or get a copy in the mail)
  • An outside-of-BC immunization record (accepted if you are visiting BC)


A valid government photo ID such as a:

  • BC driver’s license or BC Services Card
  • Passport
  • Photo ID issued by another province or territory


  • From September 13-26, you need to show us that you are at least partially vaccinated (1 dose)
  • By October 24, you must be fully vaccinated (2 doses)

Smooth process

So you know what to expect when attending Trout Lake, here’s a brief outline:

  • Please come early — To ensure everyone’s program fun is not cut short by delays, over the next couple of weeks, please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your program start time. This will allow staff adequate opportunity to verify participant status).
  • No scanning — At this time, we will not be scanning Vaccine Card QR codes. As you enter your program**, staff will be visually checking your proof of vaccination and your government-issued photo ID.
  • Courtesy and respect — Please remember that staff had no part in instituting the Order and are simply complying with the law.
  • Refunds — If you no longer wish to participate in the program, please contact our front office to receive a refund.

** As we learn what programs are impacted, you may receive email communication from us in the coming days.

Important reminder

To get your BC Vaccine Card, or more details on the Public Health Order please visit the Provincial website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html.

Many thanks,
The Trout Lake team